
Blog #4

— feeling beat brick
Fangirl by Rowell, Rainbow (2014) Paperback - Rainbow Rowell

   A connection I had to this book recently is when Cath went out of her way to help her sister in the hospital. I have 3 sisters and I know that if anything bad happened to them i would also go out of my way to help them. My previous predictions were accurate. I had predicted that Cath would struggle in college. I was right. She is having a hard time managing writing and her college classes. 

   My buddy Hannah feels that the author we are reading writes with emotion. I agree with her. All of the characters she writes have strong emotions and have difficulty dealing with all of them.  

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Blog #3

— feeling cyclop
Fangirl by Rowell, Rainbow (2014) Paperback - Rainbow Rowell

The author Rainbow Rowell often writes about people who talk a lot, people who feel like they're screwing up, and people who fall in love. This is especially true in her book, Fangirl. The main character Cath falls in love with a boy named Levi. The whole time they are falling in love, she feels like she is messing stuff up with him. She is very sceptical that he likes her or that anyone likes her. Rainbow Rowell's biography said that as a teen she was very cynical about love and romance. This is reflected in most of her books since the characters are sceptical about love but end up falling in love anyway. Also in this book Cath reads/writes fanfiction. Rainbow Rowell said that she also reads/writes fanfiction. The author and Cath have many similarities. 

— feeling rap
"“I don’t trust anybody. Not anybody. And the more that I care about someone, the more sure I am they’re going to get tired of me and take off.”
― Rainbow Rowell, Fangirl"
Fangirl by Rowell, Rainbow (2014) Paperback - Rainbow Rowell

This quote by the character Cath really represents her personality and the authors style. Cath isn't very confident and she has trust issues. Her mom left her when she was young and she hasn't recovered since. This affects Caths writing ability and relationships.The author, Rainbow Rowell, writes like this in a lot of her books. She talks about real issues that a lot of young people deal with. She writes about doubts, confidence, and family problems. This quote is very representative of Cath and the author. 

Blog #1 Fangirl

— feeling amazing
Fangirl - Rowell. Rainbow

My name is Mia and I like to read realistic fiction and science fiction. The book i'm reading now is Fangirl, by Rainbow Rowell. I chose the author Rainbow Rowell because I have read some of her other books and i liked them. So far in my book, Cath and Wren just moved in to their college dorms.They are twins, but they are very different. Cath seems more reserved while her sister Wren is very outgoing. I predict that Cath will have trouble adjusting to college and will feel left behind. in the book, Cath said, "Please don't make me do this alone."(Rowell 7).